India’s market regulator, Sebi, is planning to permit retail investors to engage in algorithm-based trading, a practice currently exclusive to institutional investors. This move aims to level the playing field and potentially boost retail investor profits. SEBI proposes new safeguards, including broker checks and unique identifiers for algo orders, to ensure responsible implementation.
India’s market regulator, Sebi, is planning to permit retail investors to engage in algorithm-based trading, a practice currently exclusive to institutional investors. This move aims to level the playing field and potentially boost retail investor profits. SEBI proposes new safeguards, including broker checks and unique identifiers for algo orders, to ensure responsible implementation. India’s market regulator, Sebi, is planning to permit retail investors to engage in algorithm-based trading, a practice currently exclusive to institutional investors. This move aims to level the playing field and potentially boost retail investor profits. SEBI proposes new safeguards, including broker checks and unique identifiers for algo orders, to ensure responsible implementation. Read More