Ahmedabad police arrested three men for running 22 Telegram channels selling indecent videos of women, earning Rs 8 lakh annually. They operated under ‘Megha Demos Group,’ sharing covert recordings from hospitals, public places, and sacred sites. The accused, including NEET aspirants Prajwal Taili and Praj Patil, were caught following a cybercrime investigation.
Ahmedabad police arrested three men for running 22 Telegram channels selling indecent videos of women, earning Rs 8 lakh annually. They operated under ‘Megha Demos Group,’ sharing covert recordings from hospitals, public places, and sacred sites. The accused, including NEET aspirants Prajwal Taili and Praj Patil, were caught following a cybercrime investigation. Ahmedabad police arrested three men for running 22 Telegram channels selling indecent videos of women, earning Rs 8 lakh annually. They operated under ‘Megha Demos Group,’ sharing covert recordings from hospitals, public places, and sacred sites. The accused, including NEET aspirants Prajwal Taili and Praj Patil, were caught following a cybercrime investigation. Read More