A young IPS officer, Aishwarya Singh, along with constable Sangeeta and translator Priya, played crucial roles in solving the gangrape case of a woman from Odisha. The survivor, initially unresponsive due to trauma, gradually opened up to Priya, sharing her ordeal and struggles with homelessness and mental health.
A young IPS officer, Aishwarya Singh, along with constable Sangeeta and translator Priya, played crucial roles in solving the gangrape case of a woman from Odisha. The survivor, initially unresponsive due to trauma, gradually opened up to Priya, sharing her ordeal and struggles with homelessness and mental health. A young IPS officer, Aishwarya Singh, along with constable Sangeeta and translator Priya, played crucial roles in solving the gangrape case of a woman from Odisha. The survivor, initially unresponsive due to trauma, gradually opened up to Priya, sharing her ordeal and struggles with homelessness and mental health. Read More