On the eve of the Maharashtra elections, BJP has accused individuals from the MVA, including Nana Patole and Supriya Sule, of engaging in illegal bitcoin activities to finance their campaign. BJP presented audio recordings allegedly featuring Sule discussing bitcoin transactions for campaign funds. Sule denied the allegations, characterizing them as a tactic to manipulate voters.
On the eve of the Maharashtra elections, BJP has accused individuals from the MVA, including Nana Patole and Supriya Sule, of engaging in illegal bitcoin activities to finance their campaign. BJP presented audio recordings allegedly featuring Sule discussing bitcoin transactions for campaign funds. Sule denied the allegations, characterizing them as a tactic to manipulate voters. On the eve of the Maharashtra elections, BJP has accused individuals from the MVA, including Nana Patole and Supriya Sule, of engaging in illegal bitcoin activities to finance their campaign. BJP presented audio recordings allegedly featuring Sule discussing bitcoin transactions for campaign funds. Sule denied the allegations, characterizing them as a tactic to manipulate voters. Read More