Sebi imposes a ₹19 lakh penalty on Sai Proficient Research Investment Advisory for deceiving investors with false promises of high returns, fraudulent practices, and collusion with an unregistered entity. The firm also failed to comply with documentation requirements and provide essential records during the investigation.
Sebi imposes a ₹19 lakh penalty on Sai Proficient Research Investment Advisory for deceiving investors with false promises of high returns, fraudulent practices, and collusion with an unregistered entity. The firm also failed to comply with documentation requirements and provide essential records during the investigation. Sebi imposes a ₹19 lakh penalty on Sai Proficient Research Investment Advisory for deceiving investors with false promises of high returns, fraudulent practices, and collusion with an unregistered entity. The firm also failed to comply with documentation requirements and provide essential records during the investigation. Read More