Tamil Nadu opening batter N Jagadeesan hit six consecutive fours in an over during the Vijay Hazare Trophy pre-quarterfinal match against Rajasthan on Thursday. Tamil Nadu bowled Rajasthan out for 267. Varun Chakaravarthy took five wickets. Rajasthan’s innings collapsed after a strong start, losing their last nine wickets for just 83 runs.
Tamil Nadu opening batter N Jagadeesan hit six consecutive fours in an over during the Vijay Hazare Trophy pre-quarterfinal match against Rajasthan on Thursday. Tamil Nadu bowled Rajasthan out for 267. Varun Chakaravarthy took five wickets. Rajasthan’s innings collapsed after a strong start, losing their last nine wickets for just 83 runs. Tamil Nadu opening batter N Jagadeesan hit six consecutive fours in an over during the Vijay Hazare Trophy pre-quarterfinal match against Rajasthan on Thursday. Tamil Nadu bowled Rajasthan out for 267. Varun Chakaravarthy took five wickets. Rajasthan’s innings collapsed after a strong start, losing their last nine wickets for just 83 runs. Read More