Three men in Nadiad town, Kheda died after consuming jeera soda on Sunday evening. Authorities excluded the possibility of spurious liquor, suspecting poisoning or a failed concoction experiment. Forensic analysis revealed ethanol in their bodies, and further tests will determine the next steps in the investigation.
Three men in Nadiad town, Kheda died after consuming jeera soda on Sunday evening. Authorities excluded the possibility of spurious liquor, suspecting poisoning or a failed concoction experiment. Forensic analysis revealed ethanol in their bodies, and further tests will determine the next steps in the investigation. Three men in Nadiad town, Kheda died after consuming jeera soda on Sunday evening. Authorities excluded the possibility of spurious liquor, suspecting poisoning or a failed concoction experiment. Forensic analysis revealed ethanol in their bodies, and further tests will determine the next steps in the investigation. Read More